On advices

The only damn good advice you should listen to

2 min readFeb 25, 2022
Cristina Gottardi | Unsplash

All advice is self-advice. Other people advice to you are really just advice that they would have given to themselves if they could go back in time and do it all over again. But here’s the thing, it’s what they would have done given their own circumstances. Not your circumstances. So is it really applicable to you? Only if you’re them.

There’s a saying “to walk in others’ shoe”. It’s bullshit. How can anyone truly walk in someone else’s shoe? You can try, but trying isn’t the same thing as being in the other person’s shoe. No one can. But we try, and then we dish out well-meaning advices that are well, don’t really mean anything.

I don’t believe in others’ advice because everyone has to walk their own path. Even the most well-meaning people who love you and world-respected masters can only advice you this much. They can tell you what to do, but will you do it? Can you do it exactly as you are told, without questions irrevocably? You know the answer to that, so why are you still seeking advice?

Advices are really just a cop-out for pretending that you are doing something – that you are making progress towards your goal when in reality it’s just a masked facade for not doing the actual thing.

You already know what to do, but you just wouldn’t do it. Why? The answer is simple. Because it’s hard, and you want to take the easy way out. You are lazy, self-entitled, foolish, egoistical, proud, fearful, and you deny it. Because if you weren’t, you will not be asking any more advice on what to do, you’ll already be doing it.

The only damn good advice you should listen to is yours. Not your parents, not your professors, not the politicians nor police officers, not your beloved pets. And definitely not any random posts you found online, because nobody knows your full story. Nobody except yourself. You already know what to do deep inside, deep inside, you already have the answer to that you’ve been asking about. The answer is clear as day to you, but you fog it up with other people murky-water advice.

Outside advices are everywhere aplenty and they are penny-rich. Your own advice are worth millions to you, if only you will take it.

Do I have any advice for you? No I do not.




Inspiring people to become their most powerful and authentic self through personal prose. Visit feilichua.wordpress.com