On The Power Of Asking Great Questions

The quality of your questions will determine the quality of your life

3 min readFeb 27, 2022
Ilkka Kärkkäinen | Unsplash

The quality of your questions will determine the quality of your life.

But what exactly constitutes a question that is of exquisite, excellent standards? What makes a great question versus a not-so-great question?

To find out the answer to this, we must first ask, what is a question?

Questions are everywhere

Everywhere you go, people are always asking questions. Everyone ask questions. Like them, you too are asking questions and seeking out the answers somewhere. If you’re online, chances are you asked your best friend, Google. Google in turn, sourced out all the answers from the entire world and sifted out the best answers based on algorithms for you.

Did Google answered your questions?

Let me ask you a question, who answered your questions when you asked? Don’t answer so quick.

The 3 types of questions

Bad questions are questions that allows someone to whom the question is asked to reply only with ‘yes’ or ‘no’, either-or answer. We call that a ‘close-ended question’.

Good questions are questions that allows someone to whom the question is asked to reply with any answers. We call that a ‘open-ended question’.

Great questions are questions that silence the person to whom the question is being asked and make them think. In turn, the person to whom the question is being asked respond with another question. I call that or ‘circle-question’, or ‘boomerang question’. The question comes right back to you.

The sky question

For example, a bad question asks “What is the colour of the sky?” and the person can only reply “blue”.

A good question asks “Why is a sky blue?”

A great question asks “How can I become the sky?” to which the other person might ask “Why do you want to become the sky?”

Questioning your life

How is your life right now? How is your health, your finance, your relationship, your work? What kind of questions are you asking yourself that begets the answers to that which you asked for?

Healthy questions

Poorly-asked question leads to poor health, poor wealth. To have great health and great wealth, you must start asking great questions.

Poor question: “What can I do to make my health better?” Eat healthy foods. But the user isn’t satisfied.

Good question: “Why is my health so poor?”, “Why am I so fat?”, “Why am I so lazy?” Notice how they all start with “Why”. Because I ate highly processed foods and I don’t exercise.

Great question: “How can I become disease-free?”

What great questions are you asking?

Go ahead, ask questions relating to your life. But not just any questions. Any one can ask questions, but to get great answers, you got to start asking great questions.

Question your questions. Are they great or do they suck? You’ll know by the answer you get.




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